Attract the Right Job or Clientele:
The unique legacy example of the day is that of John McCain, a war hero. Remarkable too, he was a bi-partisan negotiator, and a friend of many holding varying perspectives. A legacy isn’t just about wealth, but also of how others remember you.
Be a goal-setter and go-getter, but with scruples intact.
My Story
In the business environment, we need to be adept in not only hearing the perspectives of others but openly discussing them, too. It is a trustworthy reputation that will have clients hail you has someone special. Should you desire climbing the career ladder, sharing stories about how you helped both previous companies and clientele will help you get hired.
Sometimes you have to fight an uphill battle to get to where you wish to be. The masses are at the bottom of the hill. When you dare to rise above, a lack of understanding and nastiness sometimes prevail.
Our job is to pursue what interests us most no matter how severe the road ahead.
The news of the day, business, and travel always held my interest most. Every obstacle was set in the path of women from succeeding in areas other than nursing or being a secretary. I faced an uphill battle every step of the way. But my ‘legacy’ was to teach my children to pursue their dreams as I modeled doing the same.
Being a sales professional was the last career I would ever have picked for myself. And I would have gladly quit due to the meanness in each office. However, by sticking with the profession, I learned much and, eventually found it to be fun.
The other news prompting a blog about legacy is that of Aretha Franklin’s passing. Given what I just wrote about my career, “R-E-S-P-E-C-T” is my all-time favorite song. In my mind, Aretha will always be a legend.
But Ms. Franklin and other legends, such as Elvis and Prince, badly missed the mark when it comes to preserving their legacy for their heirs. The lack of proper paperwork including wills and trusts put their families and sizable estates at risk. Without doing what each state requires, one’s family and designated heirs lose out on much of the benefits.
Carol Roth shares essential insights on the topic in this video. It’s for everyone to take under serious consideration.
Your Story About Building A Legacy
When we are young, we tend to think ‘there is time’ to take care of paperwork and building a legacy. But time passes quickly, and there is no guarantee about the amount we have ahead.
Saving and investing in tomorrow are the smartest actions you can take today.
Investing in tomorrow can apply to both finances and your education for quicker growth. Remaining ‘as is’ will one day put you in the ‘old school’ category. Moving forward becomes fiercer than ever.
For further insight read:
Do You Need to Update Procedures?
Do You:
- Tell yourself the new technology will never work properly
- See the wisdom of staying on top of the news and what’s available
- Learn from the errors of others
- Prepare and update estate planning
- Groom yourself for proceeding to the mountaintop?
The details we have to look after are time-consuming, can be expensive and annoying at best. However, without having updated paperwork, the outcome is worse and can adversely affect those you leave behind.
Sales Tips for Building A Legacy
- As the buyer, compare the services and cost of several legal providers.
- Observe body language and facial expressions for consistency with words
- Take careful notes to verify or point out contradictions
- Daydream about who you want to be one day
- Set goals and take action for bringing your heart’s desire alive
- Teach your children or those in the community to begin building on their dreams
- Cheer people on who appear to be paving the way
- Adapt the best of what you hear and see to your style
- Consistency in all you do builds your brand and your legacy
- Celebrate Success!
These tips are provided to help you achieve The Smooth Sale!
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